Wall Mural «East Carson Street Treasures» @ Southside Neighborhood — Pittsburgh, PA

Wall Mural

Artist: David Hawbaker 2006

Sprout Public Art

When developing the design, Mr Hawbaker originally envisioned a banquet table in the middle of East Carson St with local residents enjoying treasures from all the shops, and a steelworker seated at the head of the table. As the design process moved along with input from the neighborhood committee, they modified the idea a little. Instead of the table with mostly adults, the focus shifted to neighborhood kids. You see them with a string of beads from a local bead shop, nesting dolls (representing the local Ukrainian Center), and members of a children’s organization searching the East Carson Street shops for their own treasures.

The ghost of a steel worker sits at a small table and watches the newest generation of the Southside making their discoveries. The steel worker is a self portrait, and the woman to his left is the lady that ran a deli in this building. She passed away while Dave Hawbaker was working on the mural and he memorialized her here. Other models for the mural include friends, family, local kids, and a former student. Mr Hawbaker is also an art teacher in the North Allegheny School district. (Pittsburgh Murals and Public Art)

, Pennsylvania #Wall #Mural #East #Carson #Street #Treasures #Southside #Neighborhood #Pittsburgh

Автор записи: admin

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