If you could put more money in your pocket, this summer, would you? Well, you can, by lowering your cooling bill. Chances are, it’s higher than it needs to be. You’ll be surprised at what you can save. No sacrifice required. These quick and easy maintenance tips can put you on your way to lower bills in no time.
Quick Facts About Your Central AC
Your central air conditioning (AC) system circulates cool air through your house through supply and return ducts (often the same ducts used for heat in the winter). A typical central AC system has an evaporator, condenser and compressor in a single cabinet located outside the house (usually on a concrete slab right next to it), or alternately, a condenser and compressor outside and an evaporator in a separate cabinet, inside (usually in the basement or crawl space). Both systems have a blower that forces indoor air through the coil of the evaporator where it’s cooled, dehumidified, and sent through the ductwork into the house. The heat collected by the evaporator is transferred to the condenser (outside) to dissipate.
Change the Air Filter
This is the most important thing you can do to help keep your system working at peak efficiency. The air moving across the evaporator is cleaned before it gets there by a filter located in the return air duct (usually within easy reach in a wall or ceiling, or at the air conditioner itself). Filters get dirty and clogged through regular use; the dirtier they get, the less air gets through the system. The dirty air that gets through is carried right to the evaporator. Dirt sticking to the evaporator coil further impedes air flow, reduces the evaporator’s ability to absorb heat and can reduce your system’s efficiency by as much as 10 percent. Not to mention, that dirty air is circulated right back through your house.
Air filters are made by a number of manufacturers and come in a variety of types and efficiencies.
Whatever type of air filter you use, inspect it and either clean it or replace it about once a month during peak cooling season or more often if you’re living in dusty conditions or with pets. Never run your system without the filter in place.
Clean Evaporator Coils and Fins
Even if you regularly change your air filter, dirt will still accumulate on the evaporator over time. Check your evaporator coils at least once a year and clean them if necessary, using a vacuum cleaner with brush attachment, careful not to bend the fins.
Clean Condenser Coils and Fins
Condenser coils and fins (outside) are also vulnerable to dirt — from debris and leaves falling from trees, cut grass kicked up by the lawnmower, and lint from a nearby dryer vent — so, check the condenser unit at the beginning of the cooling season. Cut the power to the unit and use the following checklist:
Keeping your evaporator and condenser coils free of dirt and debris can improve your system’s performance by as much as 10 percent. Just be careful with those fins. They’re a little fragile and easily bent. It’s best to use a special tool called a fin comb to straighten them. Those are available through your local home center or online. Be sure to buy the correct comb for the number of fins per inch your unit has.
Other Simple Steps to Savings
For Owners of Older Houses
If you’re still using a central air conditioning system manufactured during the 1970s, you’re likely using 30-50 percent more energy than a more recently manufactured unit would use. Even if your unit is only ten years old, replacing it with a new, more efficient unit can save you 20-40 percent in cooling costs. Over the life of the unit, that’s considerable savings, especially with energy costs continuing to rise.
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