Remnev, Andrey (1962- ) — 2008 Windrose (Private Collection)

Remnev, Andrey (1962- ) - 2008 Windrose (Private Collection)

Oil on canvas; 110 x 100 cm.

"Source of inspiration for me is; my impressions by nature refracted through the
“magic crystal” of the world art". — A. Remnev

"I am born in Yachroma, city nearby Moscow. Yachroma is located on hills between several small
rivers, fields, forest and villages, the railway to Dmitrov-city near by, and the channel of the Moscow
and the Volga rivers. The different levels of the landscape, the ships crossing on and on the channel
and the trains along it, this was what I saw since my earliest childhood through the window of my
house. It was a view like a picture and later one I thought that this view has something of the
Brueghel’s paintings. I was surrounded by beautiful nature and extraordinary people. I still believe
that this was the richest source for my further inspiration to become an artist.

During my studies in the museum of Spaso — Andronikov Monastery of Moscow, I copied the best samples of Old Russian paintings of the 15-17 centuries. At the same time I worked on my own paintings. During this period of time I had finally created my individual art technique, which is combination of methods of the Russian medieval icon painters and the 18th century Russian painters. Source for my inspiration and art technique were also the composition methods of the art group " World of art ‘(Mir iskusstva) and the Russian constructivism. Using Renaissance recipes I work with hand-made colors and use natural pigments mixed with the egg yolk."

1962 — Andrey V. Remnjov was born in the town of Yachroma, Moscow region.
1976 — Painting lessons with Deserved Artist of Russia Fyodor Shapaev.
1979 – 1983 — Moscow Art College named in memory of the revolution of 1905. Diploma: BACHELOR OF FINE ARTS.
1983 — Participation in an exhibition by Artists Union of Moscow «OUR CONTEMPORARY».
1983 – 1985 — The artist-designer in the USSR army. Specializing: art teacher.
1986 – 1991 — Moscow State Academic Art Institute named after V.I. Surikov (class professors Claudia Tutevol and Eugeni Maksimov). Diploma: MASTER OF FINE ARTS. Specializing: the artist-monumentalist.
1987 — Participation in an exhibition «20TH MEETING OF KOMSOMOL».
1990 — Participation in an exhibition «MOSCOW REGION» (Moscow). The Artists Union of Russia purchased «MARINA» portrait.
1991 — The participant of the cultural exchange program between the Academy of Fine Arts Karlsruhe, Germany and Artists Union of the USSR. Classes with professor Van Dulmen, (Academy of Arts, Karlsruhe).
1991 — Participation in the All-Russia exhibition of portraits, Moscow.
1991 — Tour in Germany, France, Switzerland. Portraits and landscapes from Cologne, Frankfurt, Freiburg, Stuttgart, Basel and Alsace, Lorraine etc.
1993 — Cooperation with «ALPENROSE» gallery, Moscow.
1994 — «VOLKSBANK ETTLINGEN» exhibition «REMNJOV & JOUROV». The pictures from exhibition were bought for private and corporate collections.
1994 — According to the arrangement between The Moscow State Surikov Art Institute and the Embassy of Russia in the republic of Cyprus — tour to Cyprus for working on a series of portraits and landscapes.
1995 — A group’s exhibition «THE VICTORY OVER FASCISM». Russian cultural centre in Nicosia, Cyprus.
1995 — Portrait of the President of Cyprus Mr. Glafkos Kliridis.
1996 — Studied iсonpainting with Master Father Viacheslav (Savinjh) in Spaso-Andronikov monastery, Moscow.
2000 — Participation in the All-Russia exhibition dedicated to 2000 years of Christianity — «TO THINE NAME», The Central House of the Artists, Moscow.
2002 — 2003 — Participation in an annual exhibition of painting and graphic art (exhibition hall of the «BALCHUG» hotel, Moscow).
2003, November — Exhibition «INSIDE–OUTSIDE» («VNUTRI–SNARUJI») in The Central House of the Artists, Moscow.
2005, September — Personal exhibition in gallery «DE TWEE PAUWEN» (Der Haag, Netherlands).
2007, January — Participation in an annual exhibition of painting " Art Fair Realizm"
2007, September — Personal exhibition in gallery «DE TWEE PAUWEN» (Der Haag, Netherlands).

#Remnev #Andrey #Windrose #Private #Collection

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